PE teacher
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title: twenty-eleven! happy 2011! and this year will be a great year!
2010 has been a tough year for me. but bad times are gone, and good times are here to stay. alright. I've listed down a few resolutions for this year! 1. 21km - start training with the new shoes! and aim for my lose-my-fat-thighs-away goal! 2. climb harder - took a bit of time-off from competitions and trainings coz of school. hopefully this year I'll be able to get the strength back! 3. drinking - "no more alcohol" has always been one of my almost-made-it resolutions. but this year, I WILL MAKE IT! 4. school work - GPA hasnt been good so far, so I'm working hard to pull it up (even though it doesnt affect my salary), and hopefully I'll be able to apply for Loughborough! 5. relationship - moving on from one guy to another has been tough. yx has always been there for me, and I will not let this one go. anywho hope you had a great time welcoming the new year! |