PE teacher
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title: yeay! I love anniversaries! fine, it's my first time. =x
went to meet hunny at dte coz he wanted to buy something to make something for me. but, heh, he had to show me what he will be making. tell you what it is when it's done! then we went back to his house, put our stuff down, and watched Heroes. then after that we caught He's Just Not That Into You at downtown. OH OH! before leaving the house, he surprised me with a bouquet of pink roses! 9 of them! *sob* thankew hunnyyyy! the movie wasnt that bad. it's a romantic comedy. some find love, some lost love. luckily this movie is rated PG-13, coz of one or two scenes. so after that movie, we went to Fairprice again. haha. I realised Giant and Fairprice are our last-resort dating areas. we got our extra food for dinner, as we decided to cook at home instead of travelling all the way to Clarke Quay. and soooo, we made our dinner! and it's monday again. everybirdy is groaning.......... but meeting hunny tmr is a reward! he'll book in tmr night. yay! more time with him! |
title: on this day one year ago, baby and I started our relationship. heh. I'm so happy that we've made it this far! and there's the scrapbook I made for him! anw. today is the first time in how many years I've felt so tired after climbing. firstly, it was internal com at NUS. heh. yx dared me to join. haha. so zx said I can join. yeay! I thought the routes were pretty straight forward, except for the third one. maybe jups purposely put the tiles on the right to confuse the climbers. lols. then it was climbing at SP with my dabian and sarah. yx gave me a ride coz it was raining heavily, and he was on his way home with the other NUS climbers. gawd, I could feel my fingers shouting surrender. barely climbed 5 routes. and I slept my way home. sooooo. tomorrow I will be going out with my hunnybunny! he's gonna make something for me! but he doesnt know that I'm cooking for him too! hehe. by the time he reads this, he had probably eaten it! yay! I'm so excited! heh. ^^ |
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title: so I earned myself my first MC since the first day of school. the kids were asking me what happened to my voice. some of them asked if I have a sore throat. and then they start telling me about them having sore throat. a boy came up and asked why I have a sore throat, and was it because they were too noisy. I gave an immediate YES. haas.
but one of the boys' mom, whom I'm supposed to meet her and talk about her son's performance in Math class, told me to get Manuka Honey (which I have no idea what's that except that it's honey). that's nice. she probably doesnt know that I'm just a 20-year-old teacher who's untrained. oh wells. NEW MAD ROCK SHOES ARE HERE! I'm so gonna check them out. muahahahha. I really want to buy. but I dont know if I should take Con-flict or Demon. =/ on top of my sore throat, which resulted in me almost losing my voice, my colleagues and mommy and I had 8 plates and 5 packets of food for dinner. total 7 people. but it was a good time talking and hearing stories. hunny has been busy. so we havent really got the time to talk a lot, except every night's call. I'm really looking forward to this saturday! and the week after that! YEAY! okay. now I need to watch American Idol. and I shall head off to bed immediately after that. peace, out. |
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