PE teacher
title: thanx to those who came down to parkway's mac to watch me play the organ! you know who you are. and baby, thanx for rushing down. hehe. love ya!
the mini concert wasnt that bad after all. I was panicky and stuff, thus playing a few wrong notes. but luckily nobody spotted it. haha. so had mac for lunch. then collected my shoes, met Hanim there, then went home and change, before heading out again. baby wore the shirt I bought for him! he said it's a ghey shirt. ): so we headed to GV Marina for Madagascarrrr! funnest (not FUNNIEST) show! it was such a joy watching it. I have to agree with what sarah wrote on her blog: Whoever invented the penguin mob squad is a veritable genius. seriously. ha, try taking Air Penguin. and talking about christmas lightings, I couldnt help but to stop and stare at the pretty lights hanging at Marina! p.s. I'm wearing tube dress. so I'll start working again starting tmr. I'm not sure when I'll stop. and in just a week's time, I'll be flying off to Taiwan. I'm gonna miss baby so many. ): |
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title: tsktsk. crazy shopping day with abby and ceekayaxe! spent almost $100 on two dresses and one high-waist pants! all from Bugis and Haji Lane. I'm so gonna work for one last week to earn back those money. and I had Starbucks twice today. how smart.
on the other hand, sarah spent money too! on two gladiator sandals. haha. we're crazy spenders man. alright. I shall work on next thursday and friday. new organ will be arriving on monday. mommy's got staff retreat on tuesday and wednesday. so school will be closed. I hope those things I bought just now would control me from shopping online. I HOPE! |
title: alright. so it's been awhile since I updated this blog. sarah's hiding her identity with funny names. oh, maybe not now. haha.
mom's back from China last night. so happy to see her again. but I wont get to drive to school. ): ha. anw I scratched her car against the school gate yesterday. but it was nothing really big. just had paints on the car, no bumps, no nothing. so it's cool. I realised I've been climbing for once only since after Climb On. this is unhealthy. the weather has not been letting me run after work, which makes it hard to maintain and makes me restless. out on saturday afternoon with the girls. baby will be having his POP. yay! I want to be there very much, but he said there's no invitation to it. oh wells. I hope I get to see him this week. work's been alright. tmr is the last day of school. this week has been a crazy and chaotic one. lots of running-here-and-theres. sitting down for long hours can be a bore just by staring at the computer screen. okay. back to more online window shopping. I'm still waiting for a collection to be launched. |
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title: I met quite a few people today.
1. Jasmine from NYP and her boyfriend. 2. Puay Hoon. 3. Yihong and his sister. 4. Sandra. 5. Jamie, who was alone. 6. Wak and his girlfriend. and baby and I watched Tropic Thunder. funny and stupid show. but it's worth the laugh. lunch was at Kushin Bo. whole lotta food man. I never felt that full before. dinner was with justin and the rest at Shokudo at Citylink. then we went back to Marina, and they went to buy movie tickets for House Bunny. their movie's at 10 30pm. so we had one hour to kill. went for one round of Daytona, and I won! hahahahaa. action ah. and so, baby bought me a sunflower! heh. x) CLIMB ON IS TMR! YAY! so excited! |