title: FINALLY! We got to meet up with nanny! yay! luckily he wasnt confined. and now, he's the nerdy nanny. haha! and we followed abby to wisma to look for her dress. farhan came along. but halfway he and sarah went off for movie. so the rest of us walked around. dinner was subway. baby came to find me. haha. and the girls actually said that we look like each other. o.O pretty funny though. she looks like some boyfriend waiting for girlfriend to finish shopping. lols! |
title: now it's my turn to put this. haha. anw. I am a happy girl today! I passed my driving for the third time. thank gawd. then I went Sengkang to collect my bag which I ordered online. before collecting my bag, I walked around Compass Point, and bought a pair of open-toe heels. then I took train to Dhoby Gauht and was planning to go home. then when 36 went pass Suntec, I suddenly remember that I still need to buy a pair of white jeans from Topshop. so I stopped at Suntec, and made my way there. and I spent $150 on the jeans and 4 knickers. haha. so in total, I spent $180. baby's gonna kill me man. my mom almost fainted when she saw the price tag on the jeans. hohoho. oh btw. baby says I'm gonna have a friday surprise! and I was smart enough to guess correctly! but he didnt tell me if I was right or wrong. but still, I'm smart. heh. saturday is gonna be another happy day! climbing with the girls! woohoo! no more flabby arms! |
title: boohoo! no more Olympics! no more switching from channels 601 - 606. ):
anw. went to baby's house for lunch today. boy, it was raining damn heavily! bought mac and quickly went to his house. did some reading on the assessment book I bought for P4 Science. I have to do that coz of my P4 class. they're asking me questions that leaves me questioning myself too. and also, I can give them revision questions from the book. hmm. baby's back in camp now. sent him off just now. kinda weird feeling, coz we werent allowed to hold hands. lols. 2 weeks and 3 days to his POP! and according to him, he'll be having 12 days of holidays! YAY! that's good news for the both of us! so means normal meetups after my work! I'm over the moon now! alright. end of Olympics. end of my last nights watching the games. feels empty. anw I shall read the science book now. nanny, if you're reading this, HIIIIIIIIIIII! GIRLIES MISSED YOU! |
title: CHEER ON, Michael Phelps fans! ![]() ![]()
title: pretty faces I like from the Olympics! Stephanie Rice (extreme right) of Aussie Swim Team ![]() Shawn Johnson of American Gymnastics Team ![]() ![]() ![]() and, of course, Michael Phelps of American Swim Team! |
title: bad news. I wont be taking part in this year's Climb On.
boohoo! I'll be away in Taiwan with my mom and my primary school. oh man, dream of getting Top 10 again got shattered. even though I'm gonna go Taiwan and bring back lots of goodies, I still wanna climb~ ): on the other hand, weekend is just two days away! how exciting can that be! Zouk Flea is on this sunday! anybody wants to tag along? and I climbed with sarah on monday! YAY! I love her! we had so much to talk about! I'm gonna miss her again. |
title: oh my. I logged on to Yahoo, and saw this.
"Actor and comedian Bernie Mac dies at age 50" I thought he's a healthy person. oh wells. met up with baby in the afternoon for a movie. we wanted to watch Love Guru, but I was late. so we settled with Journey to the Centre of the Earth. hmm adventurous storyline. no villians. only three characters throughout the whole movie. too much CGI though. then had subway for lunch. and this bunch of young ang moh girls came into the shop and created a huge amount of noise where everybody was practically staring at them every 5 minutes. fortunately they only came in for a drink. or else I'm gonna have a hard time eating with so much noise. so. today is the nation's 43rd birthday. I'm watching olympics at home. hurhur. surprisingly chua kaixuan was watching the same channel as me! and I was exploring my new love. heheh. monday is a school holiday. which means. no work! which also means. no money. ): and I'll be waiting for honey's first sms after 6 days. he's having field camp. I hope he's doing good. |
title: today is meet-the-boyfriend day!
but first. work was b-o-ring. reached school at 7 30am. and I was practically window shopping online and munching on junk food the whole day! thats very unhealthy. then, just 15 minutes before 4pm, work came. so I stayed till around 4 45pm, then went off to meet that boy. he was late! one hour and 30 miunutes, in fact. so we headed to Funan to see if there's a sale for iTouch. but we couldnt find in the end. so we walked back to CityLink, and settled at Sakae for dinner. and the cashier charged us food we didnt even order! luckily baby and I checked the receipt before leaving the place, else we would be cheated $8! then we walked to Suntec to get my iTouch. ha! freebies came along! so bought another charger for auntie sarifah. and I spent on another pair of jeans and hoodie! the most I spent on using NETS is on those apple products. oh my. $600 man. but dad's sponsoring me this time round. oh wells. tmr will be the last day I'll get to contact the boy before he goes for his field camp. no phones allowed. so that's 6 days of no communication. sighs. BUT I know I can survive! muahahahah. say HI to iTouch. (: |
title: hello jello!
Climb On! Singapore 2008 event, at Water-Venture(Pasir Ris) on 1st and 2nd November 2008. are we supposed to climb in the sea? or are they building the walls on the breakwaters? they need some new places where crowds will be attracted! anw. my interview's been not too bad. I hope I'll get shortlisted. *praying hard* been walking around with that high pair of heels. my feet are crying for help! alright, I'm hungry now. just got back from climbing in TP. makan time! |
title: yay!
it's the weekend!!! which means. I'll be disappearing with my jelly! woohoo! but first, will be climbing at asia with abby tmr. then I'll meet baby after that. I hope he's excited! and I got so busy with work and everything, I forgot sarah's gonna start studying! I miss her. ): I miss some others also. but I'm glad I talked to nanny on friday night! wheeeeeee~! but nothing can be compared to how much I missed jelly and how estastic I was the moment I saw him after 2 weeks! x) |