PE teacher
title: Saturday was spent with my lovely jelly! I was over the moon when I saw him! so he fetched me in the morning, and we went to run at the park near his house. then after that we slacked at his house till 2 30pm, then we headed to Marina. had Carl's Jr for lunch, then I went to cut my hair. after that we headed to downtown east for dinner with the rest of the people. then we caught The Dark Knight. I slept during the conversation part of the movie, and woke up at the action part. =x
NSSCC is over!! the 4 speed girls won first for the 'A' Division Speed Team Women! and the 8 speed guys won first and fourth for the Speed Team Men! chloe won Fastest Girl, again. mya for fourth for Speed Women Individual. haroz got second for Speed Men Individual, while haikal got 4th! zul the beef rendang got fourth for his division's individual. for difficulty, chloe and haroz got first for Difficulty Women and Men, alyssa got second. my goodness, so many winners! pity the speed girls didnt get the Fastest Women Speed Team, but the guys got the fastest Men Speed Team! congrats to all winners! now that all the difficulty competitions are over, it's time for bouldering! there's still one more competition left: Climb On! everybody's waiting for it! baby has gone back into camp. ): I'm gonna miss him for 5 days. boohoo. |
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title: abby and I helped out in NSSCC during the weekend. and it was hot! and, oh yes. congrats to all those the tpsc climbers who qualified for the semi-finals and finals! especially chua kaixuan. I'm so proud of you! (:
the weekend is just 3 days away. meaning, I'll finally get to see my jelly after a million and one years! actually it was just 2 weeks. but it felt like forever. I'm really excited! I'm gonna jump around like tigger! alrighty. another long day today. I'm still waiting for Garick to upload the photos onto Facebook. |
title: baby and I talked on the phone today!!
haha. I was so happy, despite the fact that I missed his call. we talked for 36 minutes. even though it's just a short period of time, but I'm delighted! oh. partly it's coz he needs to save some battery for the rest of the days before I get to see him again. we talked about so many things! from my second failed driving test, to the things in camp, to my work, to everything else we hadnt talked about for a million and one days! his BMT will end on 10th Sept. I hope I'm free on that day. and speaking of baby, I should really put something in the locket he gave me. and speaking of that, I have yet to print photos, whether it's graduation or with baby, or girlies. dont talk to me about my driving test. stupid morning traffic jam made my day. thanx. right. I just feel that I need to change my blogskin, again. yes I know. I'm kinda bored. baby is already asleep. my goodness, he's totally living a healthy lifestyle! sleeping and waking up at fixed time! but it's a rule there. haas. NSSCC is this and next weekend. woman and I will be helping out. I hope they've assigned us good jobs like ropeman or belayer. boohoo. 9 more days before I meet baby. but I know he misses me a lot. hehe. |
title: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I just read Garick's email. and he showed us this really cool route! apparently the car is the "ending tile", and climbers have to climb all the way there so sound the horn of the car to show that they have finished the route. this one is for people with unlimited endurance. I think this is where Ivan got his inspiration from when setting the Rocka Open Pro Men route. anw. I was late for work today. reached at 8 30am. but luckily I had to go off early for driving lesson. climbing after that wasnt that bad. met abby in tp! she came to support ele for her tennis match. and we talked about that army boy. haha. no honey, we didnt badmouth about you. dont worry. mua! I'm really missing him every moment. how I wish 10 days is passing by like 10 minutes, or even 10 seconds! sighs. right, I'm gonna sleep now. but I just had mac. goodness, life of a pig man. my life is so guyless now. sighs. sweet dreams. |
yesterday was climbing at asia with abby. did leading at first, then we were kind of bored. so we went to boulder at the second level. did endurance routes. I'd say it was good! at least I dont feel so fat now. haha. then abby and I headed down to Vivo and shop! woohoo! we spent most of our time at Topshop. haha. apparently they're having this sale where everything is almost half-price! in the end, I bought the dress ber and I tried the other time. we left about 6pm, and got changed at home, and went out again. this time to meet kaixuan and sarah at Clarke Quay! not to MOS, haha. sarah's dad's company has this event at one of the pubs. so we decided to go! arab came along as well! we had loads of fun! dancing to the music! and it was saturday night fever!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
title: boohoo.
today is the day where my jelly baby wobbled to tekong for two weeks. took halfday leave to send him off. I thought I'd cry, but I didnt. hahas. I guess it's coz he hurried me off. oh wells. I hope he's doing well. or maybe he's sleeping beside justin now. haha. I'm glad I spent the last night with him talking things out. and he gave me this locket for our 5th month! coz he'll be spending it in camp. boooo. and this is a really cool bus 16! it's got lecturer's seats! coz they're advertising for NTU. and one of my P4 students drew this for me! apparently she likes to draw. hurhur. so, baby wants me to update of what I've been doing for two weeks on this blog. I'll probably climb on saturday while ckx and the rest, and maybe head down to Vivo or town to search for wallets with woman and the girls. work tmr again. I've still yet to find full-time job. and I'm still waiting for MOE to approve my application for the Diploma in PE. oh wells. I hope baby's out soon so that I can complain every single thing to him! alright. I shall continue missing baby now. booohoos. nights! |
title: hi. I'm blogging during work again. haas.
nanny's burfdae was yesterday. HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY FARTLY NANNY! once a nanny, always a nanny. Rockamania just ended. it was fun, but boring while waiting for another category to start. Jo and I liked the Open Pro Women finals route. crimpy tiles = good! hahas. felt that I could do better. but, aye. it's over. farewell dinner with 19 secondary school classmates at Shokudo on saturday night, to celebrate two of their birthdays, and farewell for mx and ruby wong. after that some of us went home, others went to Chijmes. qm and derong and I cabbed home. I'm still waiting for the photos to be uploaded. today is the last day I can spend with jelly honey before he goes into army tmr. for 2 weeks. sighs. I cant imagine how it'll be like for not seeing him for two weeks. I hope everything will be okay. I hope justin and him can take care of each other. |
title: right now, my brain is working at the rate of the slowest computer you can find on this planet. or maybe at the rate of a typewriter. why? coz it's being infested by flu bugs. and it's been the whole morning. and it's a real sucky feeling. yucks!
anw. honey and I shared a Seafood Platter for 2 at Fish&Co for dinner yesterday. surprisingly, I didnt feel full until the last bit. usually I have problems sharing a Seafood Platter. sighs. honey will spend another 7 days with me, then he'll be gone for two weeks. TWO WEEKS! CAN YOU IMAGINE?! I cant. oh man. two weeks of no contacting. but I know he'll be alright. (: |