title: and, ta-da! my cute Chip and Dale puzzle's done! woman! you can see it now!
the border was done on thursday night. this was done on sunday. Chip and Dale! and that's dale's arm. Monday. Tuesday. and, I stayed up till 3 40am this morning to finish up the rest of the pieces. but there was one missing piece. so I'm gonna go down to the shop to get a replacement. (: oh yea. had a fun time with jeremy, justin, mk, gerald and his gf at the beach. we went cycling/blading. oh, and I went to look for Uncle Francis. met Uncle James and Uncle George. Uncle James wants me to help out in some regatta. $30/day for 5 days. hurhur. we had duck rice from the lagoon hawker centre after that. yummy! havent had that for some time. and I was supposed to meet the girls at asia after cycling. but I felt so tired after that refreshing bath. hahas. sorry girls. I'll meet you on saturday okay? okay. I seriously need a job now. I'm like some aimless soul now; wondering what I'm going to do for the day. |
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title: now that I'm unofficially graduated, it's time to start climbing! yes! boulderactive's gonna be the first competition of the year. so I'm gonna start training from now on! Noor is outta town, but he'll be back on saturday. so I'll be training with him. and maybe uz and khai. and sarah. and woman.
but first, I needa earn those sleeping hours back! been staying up till late rushing thru those projects. what a headache. but thank god it's all over now! (: finally, another driving lesson tmr. it's been 3 weeks since the last time I drove. hopefully I'll be able to book a date for tp. and hopefully I'll get one before my burfdae. and hopefully I'll pass on the first try! |
title: happy valentine's! spread the lurrrve! and finally, ppdes is over! yes yes yes! everybody was practically celebrating the end of the presentations. Julian was playing the guitar, and the others were singing. hahas. after that, Cephas, YeXiang, Marcus, Andrew, Dj and I headed to the Japan Village at the swimming complex for sushi. had 6 plates of sushi and one soft shell crab. it was damn filling! but I didnt finish up the rice for the last three plates of sushi. haas. and then, it was the Girlies' valentine's date! we headed to this new cafe at the corner of century square. we were the only group there! all the others in the cafe were couples! but it's normal. and we chatted. and we were obviously the noisiest ones there. hahas. the new fashion. |
title: it's the start of the week. and I've alr spent $130. why? coz of two puzzles! bought one for myself, and one for my mommy.
so I'm gonna start my projecting from 10am to 5 30pm. that's so MP/SIP timing. and after that, I think I'll go to ele's burfdae. for now, I'm gonna do some research. adios. |
title: okay. now that chinese new yR is almost over, it's time i get back to work. gawd, there are really loads of things to do.
and that stupid teacher aint making my work any easier. she isnt helpful at all! she only knows how to say. and scold. and tell you what to do, and not how. I shall really sue her when I've rich enough. lols. I mean, if you want your students to score well, you hafta say smthg encouraging, and not make the students feel demoralised. she's totally giving negatives feedback. and because of that, I returned her negative feedback during one of the teachers' survey. I hope that marked her down. but I think it didnt work. she's still the same as before. shucks. I really hope that letter against her would be handed up, so that will maybe teach her a lesson. alrite, that aside now. I should be going back to sch later to redraw the whole product for tmr's presentation. so yea. busy week. I hope I get to finish everything before the study week. and I hope I can pass everything. sighs. i thought you'd control yourself on that night at sentosa. but you didnt. what somebody told you was completely useless. no matter how much talking we have with you, it's worthless. it means nthg. you dont take them in. you dont listen. so dont blame us for leaving you out. its your fault for not taking our advices and words for it. you dont wanna learn your lessons. we can do nthg about it. i'm really disappointed. |
title: alrite. after many days, many hRs and many seconds, I finally met up with the girls! and for once, just tonight, the dress code was : what we wore today (which is the first day of chinese new yR). everybody, except chloe, was girly! dresses, heels, clutches, bangles and bracelets, and dangling earrings! and I love sarah's new haircut! pretty! ^^
and this is a must-watch of the yR: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street ![]() and yes. I caught Juno. it's an amazing show. meaningful. and it's funny and the story's fresh. almost cried watching it. hahas. ![]() anws. talk no more! photos time! abby covered the cookie monster's eyes. ): I think chloe lost to cookie monster in the whose-eyes-are-bigger contest. tpn and ckx just had prom at tm. hahas! |
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title: okayys. I've been real busy. projects, chinese new yR shopping, trainings, interview and presentations, personal problems; I'm almost outta breath! and I've yet to buy my chinese new yR clothes. and I've got FTT on tuesday. but fortunately, accounting project has finally come to an end! so it's 2 major projects left. this one is gonna determine my life and death. hahas.
so I've just applied for NTU. Bachelor of Arts (Education). sounds profound. it's gonna be a 4-yR thing. alrites. sch's at 8am tmr. final project review's at 8 30am. gawd, my sleeping time! ok, goodnights world. or rather, good morning. |