PE teacher
title: sobs. all thanx to Wan. but it was an accident. so it's not that bad. hais. i'm gonna try to save my monkey, and hang it back onto my chalk bag! in the meantime, i shall look for other cute animals and hang. final's judging tmr at 1 20pm. i just got back, and i've yet to see the new powerpoint slides. i have no idea what i'm gonna talk about. and it's gonna be another formal-wear day. pfft. term test's in about, 2 or 3 weeks. i have only one paper to studyyy. muahahaha. but i'm still gonna put in as much effort as possible. and today's 3D lab test was screwed up. totally. i still havent got the time to run. i'll make it a daily routine so i can take my napfa test real soon. for now. i shall do my work. adiosss. |
title: today is a damn. effed up day. i dont know why. oh wait. i know why. coz of the stupid report and training.
first. report's due tmr at 5pm. and i'm still stuck at editing all the documents from my two other groupmates. and how can you possibly continue working when your groupmate replies you 15minutes later, leaving you not knowing what you should do during the 15minutes. and the reports are full of grammatical errors. and this can take up a lot of time doing the editing. second. training. i officially declare that i suck at bouldering. i felt so damn noob today. felt pumped easily. seeing stronger people bypassing you. this is damn demoralising. overall. today's mood: AS SUCKY AS PMS. or perhaps worse than anything unpleasant. |
title: WE ARE THE FASTEST TEAM IN THE WHOLE SINGAPORE! all the winners of the speed team. TP speed team! TP speedsters, except abby and ber. lols. after everything ended, some of us headed to marina for dinner. den we walked arnd, looking for tights. but there wasnt any nice ones. we wanted to head home. but izan called and asked if we wanna hang out. no actually, gary called and asked if we wanna meet the climbers from asian youth. so in the end, girlies went to hang out with izan, fariz, ite khai, uz and some other ppl. uz treated all of us to starbucks, coz he won $250 for the fastest male climber. den we slacked, arm wrestled, and i para-ed again. lols. den 7 of us daytona-ed. hahas. den we sent ckx, ber and abby to mrt, den the guys sent me to my bus stop. from now on, i'm gonna train on two things: bouldering and 2.4km run. and with the adding on of work and projects, i feel like i'm gonna suffocate anytime from now. okayys. i'm gonna start on my report now. oyasumi, earthlings. |
title: nsscc (: |
title: caught Enchanted with the girls, excluding sarah and chloe, plus fartly and khai. hmm. the show's not bad. it's really very fairytale. i wouldnt rate it 4, nor 2. maybe i'll give 3/5. it was a nice time spent.
VIVA's tmr. bought brown blouse with yu xuan and patrick before the movie. now we have the same blouse. i realised i'm always having the same shirt as someone. i'm gonna just say as much things as possible, and answer the questions as appropriate as possible. i'm gonna do my best. heels for the whole day. nsscc with kx after that to see the routes. i hope i wont be demoralised. hmm. was reading the horoscope section in LIME mag just now. it says that i'm "in errand-running mode this month. there are 101 things for you to do and you're fast running out of steam. but instead of letting it be a drag, why not have fun doing it? being positive will make even the most menial task less of a bore. and that's the kind of attitude that will take you through this festive period". hopefully i'll get to spend christmas with someone. anyone will do. suddenly, people arnd me seem to be down or upset, or just plainly emo. i really dunno what's hpning. i dont feel right at all. smthg's wrong. but i dunno what it is. it feels like smthg's gonna tear you apart, or smthg's gonna make you breakdown anytime. you never know. it feels like you just wanna scold the eff word, but for no reason. i have really no idea what's the matter. omgg this totally sucks. maybe a deja vu will appear soon in my head. maybe i'm just being paranoid. maybe my sixth sense is playing tricks on me. maybe my instincts have broken down. ohwells. maybe i'm just too sleepy. maybe i'm being nonsensical. |
title: okayys. finally. some time for me to write smthg in this dust-collecting blog. maybe not that much dust yet. hahas. just finished two overdued assignments. I'm assignment-due-free now! woohoo! and now i've to concentrate on my VIVA presentation and the MP report. nsscc's on saturday at 2 30pm, at Suntec. my mama's gonna be there! yayy! abby and ber will be there too! so i can feel the girlie love from them. hahas. talking about nsscc, i can really feel my heart jumping out. i realised it's a short post. coz i cant really think of things to write about. OH i'm gonna be enchanted with the other 3 girlies and nanny and maid. hahas. okay. i shall get back to my work now. and get some real sleep. oyasumi (: |
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title: ![]() imagine getting sponsored by Subway. it's like, the most fantastic thing on earth. getting a subway sandwich everytime after finishing training or a regatta. ouhkayys. i realised i'm gonna be super busy this semester. after all, it's my last semester. so just give my last shot. (: nsscc's gonna take place soon. one more week. 5 more trainings. i'm gonna cry if i dont get into finals or slipping at the first tile. alritey. back to my assignments now. gdnights world. (: |
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title: okayys. just a brief update, although i'm free now. i really dunno where to start.
sch work first. it's been really stressful. deadlines to meet. outstanding assignments. but luckily, 1/3 of the MP report has alr been handed up. so left with 2/3. next, onto training. been going to climb adventure for training. tmr will be yishun training. 10am. another day to wake up early. and i'm damn lazy. lastly, driving. been quite okay. had only two practicals. hahas. but it'll be over soon! yest was a public holiday. as usual, speed training at adventure. kx and i left at arnd 1 30. and we took 14 from clementi to ps. didnt really take that long as i expected. met up with ber and abby. had lunch at Manhattan fish market. den caught The Game Plan at marina. and it was really touching! hahas. den we headed to Suntec for Yami yogurt. and chilled in front of the fountain. den after that, we chilled at Starbucks. hahas. and i miss chloe and sarah. ): |
title: today is a an errand-running day.
first, went to the polyclinic after accounting tut, and realised that the morning consultation has closed. so, i went to tm to look for my book. i searched Times and Popular, but couldnt be found. after that, had lunch at Pastamania, and made my way home. but in the end, i bought a FOX sweater. Lols. then, reached home, and quickly sent patrick the MP report. den packed my bag for training. later on, headed to marine parade's polyclinic. waited for 40minutes before i got my turn to register. the doctor said i've to go for an x-ray for my right knee and heel before she can give me a referral letter to the Sports Medicine clinic at cgh. everything at the polyclinic ended at arnd 4pm. since there was still time, i took 36 to Borders at Wheelock Place to look for my book. OH and i met blossom on the way! and, voila! i found it! Nightmares and Dreamscapes. after buying my book, i quickly made my way to climb adventure, where our speed training was held. speed training was alrite, except some mistakes here and there. i still needa jump more, rather than always pulling myself to the next tile. things ended at 10plus. reached home at 12 05am. and now, i'm here, waiting fr 3am to come, so i can walk to ber's house. nanny's gonna fetch us to the airport. i dont think chloe will be reading this now. hurhur. else our plan's gonna fail. after sending the climbing ppl off, ber and i are gonna slack at either T1 or T2 till tmr morning, and we can go to sch tgt. tmr will be another busy day. a bit of report-writing in the morning. den x-ray after that. and driving till 2 30pm. maybe i shall meet nanny or whoever's in sch for lunch or smthg. i'm so gonna rest at home tmr. YAWNS |
title: so many assignments dued. and i've been coughing like an old lady. gonna see Dr Ben Tan some time soon. speed training's been alrite. NISCC, which is now known as NSSCC, is 3wsks away. which means, 12 more trainings to go. which means, everyone has to work extra hard now.
it's only 11pm, and i'm feeling sleepy alr. ohwells. =/ Labels: angel of mine. |
title: hurhur. i injured myself during speed trainin again! and this time, it's serious. my right heel and knee are hurting. it's a long story. and i've been limping from the time training ends. and i shall continue limping till sunday, when i go see the doc ckx suggested.
anws. CCOM and 3DMODEL are killing me. but which subject doesnt kill you? ohwells. working on my presentation slides now, which is due next wk, i think. so hafta work extra hard till the presentation's over. which means. i'm gonna get two hRs of sleep only, since class starts at 8 30 tmr. i hafta get up at 7. ouhkay. for now. back to work, and more work. *yawns |